To Our Clients,

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has certainly come close to home for many at this point, affecting the way we interact in the workplace, school, and even among family and friends within our regular social circles.

While all of us are quickly learning to adapt and make accommodations to this serious health concern, I wanted to reach out to let you know that the daily administration of your financial matters with Commerce Funds is still functioning very much as you would have experienced before coronavirus became a common word in our national narrative.

Your dedicated financial professionals here at Commerce are diligently working to ensure your interactions with us run smoothly every day – even in the face of a national health crisis. You can feel confident in your decision to work with our institution as we are prepared and have planned for many situations including this one.

Rest assured we have the systems and capital resources to navigate through this financial turbulence. While we cannot minimize the downturn in the stock markets, we can and will continue to provide the knowledgeable and professional services you’ve come to expect from us.

Stock turbulence, while trying on a weekly basis, is an unfortunate natural scenario when bear markets arrive. It was only a month ago we hit historic market highs and it appeared the economy was poised to keep going with a second wind. As the 11-year bull market has concluded, there will be an important portfolio rebalancing opportunity within this cycle. Although we understand near-term corporate earnings in general will be impacted unfavorably, we also believe the fundamental underpinnings of the U.S. economy, and its financial strength, will lead the world out of this crisis.

In times like this, it’s important to pause and keep a balanced perspective with any decision that’s being made. Adversity is not a new concept, and we will overcome this together with the strength of our communities.

Our top priorities at Commerce are the health and wellbeing of our clients and their families, employees, and the continuity of our investment, banking and business operations. We are approaching the situation with an abundance of caution, yet mindful of ensuring that you can invest and transact your financial business as needed. We are confident in our nation’s resiliency, its medical infrastructure, and our ability to operate effectively for you even in these stressful times.

As always, we are grateful for your confidence in us and deeply value our relationship.

William R Schuetter
President & Chief Executive Officer
Commerce Funds